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Unlocking New Potential in MEMS Sensor Technology with STMicroelectronics’ STEVAL-MKI109D

In the ever-evolving world of sensor technology, STMicroelectronics introduces the STEVAL-MKI109D evaluation board, a professional MEMS tool designed to fast-track the development and optimization of advanced MEMS sensors.

Plug-and-Play Convenience

The STEVAL-MKI109D features a plug-and-play design, enabling engineers to quickly connect it to a PC and start analyzing sensor data via the MEMS-Studio graphical user interface (GUI). This streamlined process reduces the time needed to evaluate and fine-tune sensor performance.

High-Performance Microcontroller

At its core, the STEVAL-MKI109D houses the STM32H563ZI microcontroller with an Arm Cortex-M33 core, capable of handling complex datasets and sensor readings, including barometric pressure, accelerometer, and gyroscope data.

Flexible Power Management

With software-adjustable power circuitry, users can set the sensor supply voltage from 0 to 3.6 V, ensuring accurate testing under various conditions. The board also includes onboard power monitoring, eliminating the need for external instruments.

Comprehensive Interface Support

The evaluation board supports I²C, I3C, SPI, and TDM interfaces, enabling high-speed data transfer up to 10 Mbps or greater. Its compatibility with a wide range of MEMS devices makes it versatile for applications in consumer electronics, automotive technologies, and more.

The STEVAL-MKI109D from STMicroelectronics is an essential tool for engineers looking to push the boundaries of MEMS sensor technology. With its advanced features and user-friendly design, it paves the way for innovative sensor solutions across various industries.

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